by Sally Dear-Healey | Feb 2, 2024 | News
Faculty at Manhattan College are reeling after the recent announcment that 19 tenured and 4 untenured faculty were “laid off.” A January 30th article in the college’s student newspaper The Quadrangle, reported that “The January layoffs came...
by Sally Dear-Healey | Feb 7, 2023 | News
NYSC AAUP President Mary Rose Kubal and Executive Director Sally Dear-Healey were invited to attend the Higher Education Policy Council meeting at the NYSUT Headquarters in Latham on 2/5 & 2/6. It was good to see some old friends as well as make new ones, and we...
by Sally Dear-Healey | Feb 7, 2023 | News
The New York State Conference of the AAUP recently wrote a letter in support of the AAUP-Utica and the Utica University Faculty Senate in their opposition to the “blatant disregard of the Utica University administration and Board of Trustees for the established...
by Sally Dear-Healey | Jan 11, 2023 | News
NYSC AAUP President Mary Rose Kubal was recently interviewed by WAER, 88.3 FM, Syracuse regarding SUNY Oswego’s transition from college to university. The change was officially approved by the New York Board of Regents and became effective January 1, 2023. Here...
by Sally Dear-Healey | Dec 8, 2022 | News
At what would have been its 200th anniversary, Casenovia College, a small private institution in central New York announced that it would “cease classes at the end of the spring 2023 semester. and work toward closure prior to the start of the fall 2023...
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