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The Campaign for the Future of Higher Education


The Campaign for the Future of Higher Education was launched to guarantee that affordable quality higher education is accessible to all sectors of our society in the coming decades, and include the voices of the faculty, staff, students and our communities—not just administrators, politicians, foundations and think tanks—in the process of making change. We must ensure that the emphasis, curriculum, pricing, and structure of our nation’s higher education systems are good for our students and the quality of education they receive.

The Coalition of Contingent Academic Labor


The Coalition of Contingent Academic Labor is a network of North American activists working to improve higher education through the collective achievement of job reliability, livable wages, academic freedom, and time and resources for academic research and professional development for contingent academic laborers. COCAL is not affiliated with any single labor union and promotes grassroots contingent faculty organizing through events like Campus Equity Week. To achieve its aims, COCAL dedicates itself to alerting the broader community about the trends that undermine the tenets of higher education by staging media events, improving legislation concerning higher education and so-called accountability efforts, and identifying colleagues at institutions and assisting them in forming collective bargaining units and negotiating strong contracts.

The Drake Group


The Drake Group vision is to create an atmosphere on college campuses that encourages personal and intellectual growth for all students, and demands excellence and professional integrity from faculty charged with teaching.


  • Ensure that universities provide accountability of trustees, administrators, and faculty by publicly disclosing information about the quality of educations college athletes receive.
  • Be a major lobby for proposals that ensure quality education for students who participate in intercollegiate athletics.
  • Support faculty and staff whose job security and professional standing are threatened when they defend academic standards in intercollegiate sports
  • Influence public discourse on current issues and controversies in sports and higher education
  • Coordinate local and national reform efforts with other groups that share our mission, goals, and/or proposals.
New Faculty Majority


NFM is dedicated to improving the quality of higher education by advancing professional equity and securing academic freedom for all adjunct and contingent faculty. For this purpose, NFM engages in education and advocacy to provide economic justice and academic equity for all college faculty. NFM is committed to creating stable, equitable, sustainable, non-exploitative academic environments that promote more effective teaching, learning, and research. NFM is part of the broader movement for human and worker rights.

New York State United Teachers


NYSUT is more than 600,000 people who work in, or are retired from, New York’s schools, colleges, and healthcare facilities. We are classroom teachers, college and university faculty and professional staff, school bus drivers, custodians, secretaries, cafeteria workers, teacher assistants and aides, nurses and healthcare technicians.

NYSUT is a federation of more than 1,200 local unions, each representing its own members. We are affiliated with the American Federation of Teachers (AFT) and the National Education Association (NEA). We are also part of organized labor – the AFL-CIO – and of Education International, with more than 20 million members world wide.

We range in size from tiny locals of fewer than 10 members to the United Federation of Teachers, which represents more than 140,000 teachers and other school employees in New York City.

We are dedicated to improving not only our working conditions, but also our professions. We’re united in a common commitment to improve the quality of education and healthcare for the people of New York.

NYSUT is a grassroots organization. We elect the people who lead our local unions and or state and national affiliates. We elect delegates to a state convention – the Representative Assembly – who discuss issues and set policy that determines the programs and services that NYSUT provides us.

Our NYSUT officers, elected by the Representative Assembly, oversee a professional staff that carries out the union’s business. The convention delegates also elect a Board Of Directors, which determines policy between conventions.

NYSUT® is a federally registered service mark of the New York State United Teachers.

Professional Staff Congress/CUNY


We’re an activist union dedicated to advancing the professional lives of our members, enhancing the terms and conditions of their employment, and maintaining the strength of the nation’s largest, oldest and most visible urban public university.

Student Aid Alliance


We are a coalition of 85 higher education organizations united in our support for federal student aid. The Student Aid Alliance is thrilled to bring you the Save Student Aid campaign to raise awareness about the importance of federal student aid for America’s future.