Faculty at Manhattan College are reeling after the recent announcment that 19 tenured and 4 untenured faculty were “laid off.” A January 30th article in the college’s student newspaper The Quadrangle, reported that “The January layoffs came after administration had told faculty in the fall that cuts would come on a “last in, first out” basis, meaning the faculty most recently hired within departments would be the first to be let go,” however many of the faculty involved had taught for several years and some for several decades. In addition, the timing of the layoffs are likely to prove a challenge as faculty seek other positionsd. Here is a link to that article: Faculty Grapple with Shocking Layoffs – The Quadrangle (mcquad.org).

An earlier article appeared in The Chronicle of Higher Education entitled “As Manhattan College Restructures, Tenured-Faculty Jobs Hang in the Balance.” 

Especially relevant is the fact that these layoffs directly violate the Manhattan College’s Faculty Handbook, well-established norms around tenure and job security, as well as the AAUP 1040 Statement of Principles on Academic Freedom and Tenure, authored jointly between the AAUP and the Association of American Colleges (now the Association of the American Colleges and Universities).  The full scope of the layoffs remain unclear.