Last Updated : Wed 20th February 2019 06:07pm
Student organizations at the City University of New York have issued a letter of support for adjunct faculty seeking a minimum of $7,000 pay for a three credit course:
“To our student peers:
We are students at the City University of New York who stand in solidarity with the adjuncts on our campuses who are currently struggling for a more livable wage of $7,000 per course:
Among other struggles on throughout our university—like the push to end tuition hikes and make CUNY free again; more funding for ethnic studies; open admissions; CUNY’s crumbling infrastructure; and resisting CUNY’s complacency with oppressive corporations and foreign governments—we recognize the ways in which all of these struggles are connected.
The inadequate pay of adjunct professors is a student issue. Part-time faculty teach almost 60% of classes in CUNY for $3,500 per course, which is a poverty wage considering the cost of living in NYC. Any grading, email exchanges, and meeting with students outside office hours is unpaid work. Despite increased student enrollment and our rising tuition costs, adjunct wages have remained stagnant for several years. How can we expect to get a quality education when our professors are receiving poverty wages and are having their labor exploited?
Signing this letter of solidarity means you support adjuncts in calling for a $7000 minimum per three-credit course, as this is a crucial step in the direction toward a livable wage. Anything short of this is worth striking over (read more:
We’re calling on fellow students to stand in solidarity with the adjuncts of our university.
In solidarity,
Brooklyn College Student Union
Hunter CRAASH”
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